Tuesday, October 8, 2024

City of Patterson 5k Fun Run/Walk, Saturday, Oct 12 at 8AM in Patterson, La.

Register at this link to run or walk in the 2024 Patterson Main Street Festival 5K, this Saturday Morning, Oct 12th, at 8am:


Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Sharing the Catholic Faith Through TikTok

Recently I was intrigued by a letter that appeared in the Times Picayune from a young woman talking about how TikTok allowed her to connect with other people of faith, even allowing her to learn about other traditions in an accessible way.

Well, what about Catholic evangelization?


One young Catholic man named Brandon Vogt talked on the Word of Faith website, started by Bishop Robert Barron, about how he is reaching young adults through TikTok. The discussion centered around how young people are leaving all churches in droves but not necessarily closed to the idea of spirituality. So how do we re-invigorate those same young people to look at the Catholic faith, especially with all the emotional obstacles that have lately cropped up when discussing the Church?


The young TikTok user said he wanted to use videos to prove to his generation that Catholicism offers truth, beauty, and goodness in an exciting lifestyle. Still, after one year of trying to reach others, he felt like he was failing until he took the discussion outside, literally.


Trying to prove that Catholicism is not boring, this young man began making engaging videos to bring young people like himself to historical places where awesome, amazing things happened in real life. He stated that he knew millions of Gen-Zs lived on TikTok and so he wanted to speak their language.


People are quick to critique TikTok's online world, but this platform has immense value in reaching young people, who have fallen away from the Church. And, other young Catholics must be the ones talking to and leading these young people back to an exciting faith. 


In Advent, we are all called to be ready for the Lord, to invite him into our world and our daily lives, right here and now. For Gen Zs, TikTok allows young people to connect over their shared identity. Any app that keeps young people in touch with their faith is vital in my book. After all, in the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 16, verse 15, we are called to, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." 


We are lucky to have a Congressional delegation with deep roots in their faith and our own Representatives, Troy Carter and Steve Scalise, who are Catholics. TikTok has become a fun yet vital app for our Catholic young people. That is something to continue to celebrate and encourage.

Have a great Advent Season! 

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Biloxi Blues Extravaganza - June 10, 2023 - Get your tickets now








Click the link and purchase your tickets here:

Steel Pulse, June 10, 2023, in Lafayette

Press the link below to get your tickets to Steel Pulse, June 10th in Lafayette:

Soul Food Festival 5K, June 17, 2023 - 8AM, Franklin, La.

Show what you got at the Soul Food Festival 5K, a fun run walk Saturday, June 17, 2023, at 8 a.m., along Willow Street outside of the St. Mary Parish Courthouse, 500 Main Street in Franklin, La.

This event is a fundraiser for the scholarship fund of the 100 Black Men of St Mary Parish, so they are asking for $30 per participant. 

Those who enter the race will be eligible to compete for First, Second and Third Place overall prizes. 

The Bayou Bend Health System (the wellness center) in Franklin, La., is a co-sponsor of the race, which will feature a few enhancements this year. 

To enter this year's event, press this link to register:  https://runsignup.com/Race/LA/Franklin/SoulFoodFestival5K

For more information, call Kreig Triggs or Travis Darnell, race directors, at 985-519-1683 or 985-992-0840. 

For more on the Soul Food Festival events, visit the event facebook page: 

For more on the Bayou Bend Health System Wellness Center, visit: https://bayoubendhealth.org/fitness-center

#100BlackMenofStMary Parish 

Monday, May 8, 2023

Louisiana middle school principal makes national news using TikTok, by: Howard Castay

A Louisiana middle school principal made national news on May 1 with his Tiktok page, which he uses as a platform to connect with students at Harry Hurst Middle School in Destrehan Louisiana, 26 miles west of New Orleans.

Dr. David Schexnaydre made the news on May 1, when he shared his use of TikTok with The 74, a nonprofit news organization that covers America's educational system from early childhood through college and career.

The 74 featured Schexnaydre on their internet news site at this link: https://www.the74million.org/article/how-one-middle-school-principal-is-using-tiktok-to-build-school-culture-recruit-teachers/

Schexnaydre is on TikTok with this address: @drdschex, with 3,114 followers, and 298,700 likes. Some of his videos have monster view numbers including a video of him doing a happy dance at the start of Christmas break, that went viral with 1.3 million viewers.

Another video about forgetting your school id has 460,700 views, while a video of him serving a volleyball has 183,800 views.

Other videos teach, with topics like: self motivation, getting to and from school safely, and how to properly handle a chromebook.

Then, there is a video where he pops the artist Drake in, to promote the school wrist bands which say, "Be better than Yesterday."

Also there is another video that spells out what HURST stands for - Honor, Unity, Respect, Self-Motivation and Tolerance.

Schexnaydre is also the 2023 Louisiana State Principal of the Year.

“Whether it’s academics, test scores or mental health, your initiatives will not work unless the school culture is right,” Schexnaydre told The 74 in their interview.

Additionally, Schexnaydre said these are some of the other reasons he uses TikTok:

 It's been a good tool, not only with students but in recruiting new teachers, who see the videos and see the school is a great place to work.

 We prove there is a way to use TikTok effectively 

 It's reach, you have to go where people are and students use TikTok.

 Denying access will only make students want it more

Thursday, May 4, 2023

St Mary Parish Hospital Service District No 2 calls Property Tax Election for Oct 14, 2023

Morgan City - Voters from Ricohoc to Amelia could face two propositions on the Oct 14 ballot, both to generate funds for the Hospital Service District No2 board,  to improve operations and services at Ochsner St Mary Hospital. 

That includes restoring labor and delivery services and adding pediatric services. 

Commissioners approved both propositions during their meeting Wednesday. 

Now, the St. Mary Parish Council must give their blessing before the propositions are officially added to the fall ballot, which will also include candidates for State Senator and House Members, St Mary Parish Sheriff and Parish President, Parish Coroner, and the St. Mary Parish Council. 

 The first proposition is a millage proposition which calls for a levy of 5.5 mills of property tax for a period of 10 years, beginning this year and ending in 2032. It is expected to generate an annual $2 million for the hospital board to use to improve, maintain and operate the hospital and other health care facilities in the district, in addition to providing and supporting labor and delivery and pediatric services, physician recruitment and community outreach. 

 If voters approve the measure, homeowners will pay more property tax, beginning with an extra $13 a year for those whose homes are assessed at $100,000. 

 The second proposition will ask voters to allow the hospital board to rededicate revenues previously restricted for improving and maintaining hospital facilities and equipment to allow additional purposes of providing and supporting labor and delivery and pediatric services, physician recruitment and community outreach. 

 The St. Mary Hospital Service District No 2 Board owns the Morgan City hospital. Roughly four years ago the board entered into a contract with the Ochsner Health Network to manage the facility, replacing outgoing the Lifepoint Health System.
 In March 2023, Ochsner St Mary announced they were closing the hospital's labor and delivery department due to insufficient use by the community, among other reasons. 

 Bill Bourgeois, the hospital board's attorney, said the district has a verbal commitment from Ochsner to work toward restoring labor and delivery services to Ochsner St. Mary, but there is nothing in writing.

To view the entire May 3rd meeting of the St Mary Hospital Service District No 2, please press the arrow located in the video below.